Whispers in the Dreamrealm

Dreamrealm romantic-story

Lyra had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind. As a psychology student, she spent countless hours studying the subconscious and its secrets. One night, while researching lucid dreaming, Lyra stumbled upon an ancient ritual that claimed to grant the power to enter people’s dreams. The ritual, known as “Somnium,” was said … Read more

Blind Date: A Chance Encounter

Blind Date romantic-story

YouTuber and journalist, Julian, was known for his captivating interviews with strangers on the street. One day, while setting up his equipment, he accidentally bumped into a girl from behind. Apologetic, he turned to face her, and their eyes met for the first time. Julian was lost in her piercing green eyes and couldn’t look … Read more

Forbidden Love: The Princess and the Bookkeeper

Forbidden Love romantic-story

Princess Sophia had always been bound by duty and protocol, until she stumbled upon a mysterious bookkeeper in the castle’s library. His name was Alexander, and their chance encounter sparked a connection that neither could ignore. “I’ve never seen you around the castle before,” Sophia said, her voice barely above a whisper. Alexander looked up … Read more