The Twisted Experiments of Billy the Mad

Billy the Mad horror-story

The name “Billy the Mad” echoed through Elmwood like a chilling curse. A doctor by title, a sadist by nature, Billy’s experiments went far beyond the boundaries of medicine, venturing into the realm of the grotesque and macabre. Whispers of missing children, then adults, followed him like a shroud. The townsfolk, cloaked in fear, knew … Read more

Voyage of the Celestia: A Descent into Madness

celestia horror-story

The Celestia, a majestic ship inspired by the ill-fated Titanic, set sail on its maiden voyage, promising its wealthy passengers a journey across the entire sea. The owner, Mr. Edward Blackwood, boasted that his ship would reach the most remote and exotic destinations, and people eagerly bought tickets, filling all seats within a week. Little … Read more

Unholy Ground: Where Desert Dreams Turn to Nightmares

Unholy Ground horror-story

As they embarked on their road trip from the bustling metropolis of New Arcadia to the vibrant city of Helios, four friends – Charlie, Starlit, Noah, and Hardin – couldn’t wait to escape the concrete jungle and indulge in the thrill of adventure. Little did they know, their decision to take the treacherous desert route … Read more

The Smiling Mask

smiling mask horror-story

The Smiling Mask, a serial killer known for his gruesome murders and eerie smile, had the neighborhood of Oakwood gripped in fear. His modus operandi was to target young adults, always leaving a smiling mask at the crime scene. The police were baffled, and the community was on edge, wondering who would be next. The … Read more

Defying Fear: A Tale of 4 Friends and Conquering Fear


In the heart of the Whispering Woods, where shadows dance and secrets linger, four friends—Hamy, Tan, Zack, and Starlit—embark on a camping trip with the aim of conquering fear. Their laughter echoes through the dense forest as they pitch their tents, unaware of the darkness that lurks within. Conquering Fear: A Chilling Arrival As night … Read more