Abandoned Orphanage: The Cursed Halls of Oakwood Orphanage

Abandoned Orphanage horror-story

Oakwood Orphanage, once a haven for abandoned children, stood as a haunting reminder of the past. The crumbling walls and overgrown gardens seemed to whisper tales of forgotten lives. A group of friends, eager to explore the mysterious building, decided to venture inside. As they entered, the creaking doors seemed to echo with the whispers … Read more

Old Graveyard: The Haunting of Sister Mary

Old Graveyard horror-story

The old graveyard, adjacent to the church, held secrets and stories of the past. Sister Mary, a devout nun, had always been drawn to the peaceful atmosphere of the graveyard, often spending her evenings in contemplation among the weathered tombstones. However, her tranquility was disrupted by strange occurrences. She began to sense an eerie presence, … Read more

Unholy Ground: Where Desert Dreams Turn to Nightmares

Unholy Ground horror-story

As they embarked on their road trip from the bustling metropolis of New Arcadia to the vibrant city of Helios, four friends – Charlie, Starlit, Noah, and Hardin – couldn’t wait to escape the concrete jungle and indulge in the thrill of adventure. Little did they know, their decision to take the treacherous desert route … Read more